Friday, October 15, 2010

The Lesson I Learned from a One Eyed Security Guard

This week was a major holiday in Spain. It was Dia De Pillar, which is a Saint's Day, and just so happens to be my host mother's saint and namesake. As with holidays in the U.S. everything is pretty much shut down, with the exception of the malls and movie theaters. I had 5 whole days off from work and decided to live it up...CAN WE SAY SHOPPING!!!!

My host mother and I decided to take advantage of the day off and go shopping for some winter clothes before the start of the season. Shopping was going great. I was finding a lot of deals and I got everything on my list. Even though I had everything I needed, I couldn't pass up the chance to go to H&M. For those of you who don't know, H&M is the mecca of shopping. Basically H&M was created to show case popular trends from top designers at everyday prices. Unlike other stores, they have trends for every woman. Their clothes run in sizes from 0-20, which is rare. Unfortunately, they do not have stores in all of the United States so I have made it a goal to stock up on as much as I can while I'm here.

Anyhoo, after lunch at McDonalds (it was the only place that wasn't packed)I went into my store and I started marveling at the sales rack. My host mother began thumbing through some of the pieces and I decided to go to another part of the store.

After a while I started feeling like someone was following me. I turned around and sure enough there was this female security guard tailing me. Not only was she following me but when I looked back at her she would give me this glaring look.

If you don't know anything else about me, you should know that I don't tolerate things like this. BOY WAS I HOT!!!! I was so angry that out of all the people in the store she started following me. All of a sudden visions of Martin Luther King swarmed my head and I decided to do something about it.

I turned around and started following her! Yes, I followed her through the store and gave her glaring looks like she was giving me. You better believe that this woman had the nerve to be glaring back at me the whole time which made me even madder. I followed her for a good 10 minutes until my host mother came and got me.

Once my host mother came up to me the lady went to another part of the store and I dropped the situation. My host mother and I continued shopping until it was time to pay. I bet you can't guess who was waiting for us at the register...YES THIS MEAN OLD SECUIRTY GUARD.

I could see her glaring at me out of the corner of my eye and I decided that enough was enough and I was going to say something. This time she was close enough for me to see her face to face. So I turned around, opened my mouth....

And then turned back around in embarrassment. The lady wasn't glaring at me...she just had something wrong with her eye. From what it looked like she had a deformity.

I have never in my life felt so bad. Granted she was following around the store but I was making faces at her not knowing that her eye was just like that.

So the moral of this story is_______________________________________.....

Honestly I'm still trying to figure it out but until I do I will be sure not to pick anymore fights with one eyed security women. Definetly not my brightest moment.... Oh well you live and you learn....


P.S. Feel free to leave your moral....

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